Retrospective/回顧: Driving Trip to Kansas (2)/カンサスへドライブ旅行2

When driving on a monotonous and nearly straight road from Grand Canyon National Park to Phoenix in Arizona, I drove my car at around 70 miles an hour speed without paying attention to any police cars. However, I was stopped by a police car somewhere and the police officer asked me some questions including about my overspeeding violation possibility. I answered driving a bit fast because I had to arrive in Lawrence, Kansas to take an important test at the University of Kansas four days after. Maybe I was a foreigner so the police officer was generous enough to understand the situation and didn’t give me a speed ticket, fortunately. I got relieved with the no-fine result and after that, I was more careful about overspeeding violations.

When we drove on US Highway 62/180 in New Mexico State, we found and dropped by Carlsbad Caverns National Park ( which was the largest cavern in the US and a World Heritage site. It was so huge (a large limestone chamber, named simply the Big Room, which is almost 4,000 feet (1,220 m) long, 625 feet (191 m) wide, and 255 feet (78 m) high at its highest point.) and we could not see all so we just visited the Big Room area.

Without visiting Phoenix, we drove east on Route 40 to Albuquerque and then to Oklahoma City. When we reached the border between Oklahoma and Kansas states, we had car engine trouble after staying at a motel. Because of the extremely cold weather, the radiator without anti-frozen liquid was frozen. So I had to ask a towing car to bring my car to a nearby garage for fixing it. We were careless about how cold it was in winter. After it was unfrozen and anti-froze was filled in, we could move up to Lawrence via Wichita, Kansas. After arriving at Lawrence, the Tokyo University student took a greyhound bus to Kansas City and then flew to Chicago from Kansas City Airport.



ニューメキシコ州を東に向かってドライブして行ったところ、世界遺産に登録されているカールスバッド洞窟群国立公園(を見つけ、一部を訪れた。なにしろ、全米最深(1,604フィート;489メートル)で、長さは世界第5位(126.1 miles;203 km)の石灰岩の洞窟であり、83の洞窟がある。大きすぎて、少ししか見られなかったが、とても印象に残った。また、機会があったら、訪問したい観光地の一つである。


