Retrospective/回顧: Life at Kansas University (1)/カンサス大学での生活1

My study life at KU started at an international dormitory, McCallum Hall (Demolished in 2015) where many international students like Venezuelans, Chinese, Japanese, and Iranians) lived. Since a single occupancy room was pretty expensive, I chose the double occupancy room to share it with a Kansan local undergraduate named David who was majoring in political science. We enjoyed talking to each other before going to bed every day. My family sent us yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe) and geta (wooden clogs) to wear after taking a shower in summer. We also cooked and ate steamed rice with a rice cooker that was given by David as a birthday present. I bought many Japanese foods at a Korean Foods Store in Kansas City but no fresh fish was available and most of them were instant noodles and canned foods.


Me in my dorm room/当時の寮の部屋のベッドに座って撮った時のもの。

With my roomate and his girlfriend/ルームメイトだったデイビッドと彼の彼女

During the summer holidays, I joined a 10-day camping trip to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado with my KU friends including David’s sister and a professor from Romania.


There were then about 30 regular Japanese students at KU plus around 70 ESL students from Japan and we had Japanese Students Association which had held a Japan night every year to introduce Japanese culture. The former president was late Professor Kenji Kitao of Doshisha University and I was his successor. This Japan Night required $5 to participate and sukiyaki dinner with a kimono show was given to the participants. I very much appreciated those who voluntarily helped the event.

正規留学生(当時は30名ほど)や付属英語学校の英語集中講座で勉強していた語学生(当時は100名ぐらいいたと思う?)からなる日本人留学生会(故北尾謙治同志社大学教授の後を受け、私が会長をしていた時)の主催で日本文化を紹介したJapan Nightも毎年実施した。参加費5ドルで「すき焼き」を提供した夕食会は大変好評だったし、国際学生会主催のInternational Nightでの着物ショーなどの行事も開催した。当時の出演者を含め、協力者たち全員に大変感謝している。

Kimono show at Japan Night/日本の夜というイベントでの着物ショー
