Retrospective/回顧: The first Job after returning from the US Study(2)/米国留学から帰国後の最初の就職2

As soon as I moved to Nagoya in August 1978, I started teaching English in one-year or two-year intensive English programs. Most of the enrolled students were high school graduates in Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures. Many of them were studying hard to improve their 4 basic skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and business skills in order to get better jobs after their graduation. In fact, among them, some got certificates from the STEP Test 1 Grade and Interpreter Guide Exam or got jobs as flight attendants for airline companies, or became a CPA (certified public accountant) in the US. Since I was single, I had many fun times with those students through cultural festivals, interpreter guide field trips, etc.

1978年8月に名古屋へ転居後、すぐに専任教員の一人として英語教育活動を開始したが、学生たちは高校卒業後、大学・短大ではなく、外国語専門学校で1年ないし2年間週5日の集中英語教育プログラムで効率よく4技能(listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)の英語スキルとビジネス・スキルなどを高め、より良い会社などに就職したいと考えていた者たちが多かったので、とても熱心な学生たちばかりであった。愛知県内からに限らず、通学圏の岐阜県や三重県などから通学していた女子学生が圧倒的に多かった。中には、英検1級や通訳ガイド試験(現在の全国通訳案内士試験)に合格した者もいたり、卒業後に航空会社のフライト・アテンダント(a flight attendant)になったり、渡米し、大学に入学・卒業し、会計士(a certified public accountant)となって現地で就職した者もいた。独身でもあったので、課外活動にも積極的に協力し、文化祭や通訳ガイド研修などで楽しい行事を満喫した。

A scene at the Cultural Festival/文化祭での一コマ。

In addition to four English skills-based classes, I taught EFL teaching methodology and comparative culture of Japan and America while doing a Suggestopedia project. These were so profitable and good experiences as an EFL teacher for me. I still use some learned knowledge and skills such as BGM to produce alpha waves that are good for long-time memory when I teach my classes.


An Experimental Suggestopedia class/暗示加速学習の実験クラス風景

At this professional school, I could have my weekend off and enjoy self-learning or leisure activities in my private life because there were fewer admin works for a variety of private proficiency tests that were given on weekends. I wanted to learn a new teaching methodology so I became an auditor for the Saturday class at Aichi Prefectural University, but I was a bit disappointed with the content that was nothing new. However, my life changed a lot after meeting the late Prof. Tomita who was a part-timer of German language and culture at APU and a full-time professor at the Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), then a newly established national college of technology and science in1976. He felt that I was an appropriate EFL teacher for TUT and offered me an assistant position for the department of humanities at TUT. After getting an interview from the head of the English program, I accepted the position even though the salary was low because it was a rewarding job.


When I was teaching at NIC, I enjoyed daily communication in English with my foreign colleagues who were mostly Americans. Also, I actively got involved with JALT(Japan Association for Language Teaching) Nagoya Chapter activities and learned a lot from their members.

外国人教員の多くは米国人母語話者が中心だったので、英語でのコミュニケーション・スキルの維持には問題はなかったが、さらに学会活動も意義あることと考え、JALT(Japan Association for Language Teaching)名古屋支部の活動にも積極的に参加し、学ぶことも多かった。

Three years at NIC passed in no time and I tried to complete any assigned jobs, However, my personal assessment was not good. I met my partner there and got married to her on November 4, 1981. We went for a honeymoon trip to Europe (Greece, Italy, Switzerland, and France) for the first time, but after returning from the trip, I received an acceptance letter from TUT and had to resign from my teaching position quickly at NIC to start my job at TUT in December 1981.

