Retrospective/回顧: My second job at TUT/豊橋技科大での教員生活

Starting my teaching job in December 1981, I worked hard as an assistant but taught full-time like a tenured professor. Due to the lack of that open positions in a national university, the promotion from assistant to the lecturer was not easily done and took five years. Then another six years took to be an associate professor. Many thanks to the Late Professor Yoshio Oro, a senior and respected professor of English then, who helped me a lot both in writing co-authored reports to build up my academic career and advised me to enhance my research skills through a variety of activities. Unfortunately, his photo is not available. Other thanks go to Late Professor Tomita, who was a German-language professor as well as a famous researcher on a German POW camp in Tokushima and published a book about it. He was once a dean of the department. He loved cooking a nabe dish (casserole) in his research lab, and we sometimes enjoyed eating and chatting together. The following photo shows when we had dinner together at a local restaurant in Toyohashi, not in his lab.


At a restaurant with the late Professor Tomita/ 某レストランで故冨田教授と共に
