As a new professor in charge of English education, I officially joined the Faculty of Economics at Ritsumeikan University in April 1998, where he remained until the end of the 2003 academic year when I moved to the newly established Faculty of Information Science and Engineering on the same campus in 2004. The work related to the new computer-assisted language education system for first and second-year students of both the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Business Administration (construction and maintenance of the system using JAVA Script, and development of teaching materials) was performed while getting help by Prof. Ken Matsuda of the Faculty of Letters, who came to the Biwako-Kusatsu Campus once a week for the first year, and by a TA hired by the Language Center. The rest of the time and effort was spent with the help of the TA student who was proficient in programming. Sometimes, however, it took so long to find and solve bugs in the program that I had to go home after 11:00 p.m. This was not surprising, as I was responsible for providing such a unique online English language education system that combined the latest in English language instruction and technology (an online program that provided basic computer literacy and general English language learning). I was also in charge of the student affairs office, one of the executive committees of the department, for a year, and also attended weekly meetings as a member of the university entrance examination committee, making three sets of different entrance exam questions, and serving as a member of the steering committee of the Language Center (now the Language Education Center) at the time.
1998年4月から正式に立命館大学経済学部に加わった英語教育担当の新任教授の一人として所属し、同キャンパスに2004年4月に新設された情報理工学部へ移動するまで在籍した。経済学部と経営学部所属の学部1~2年生対象の新コンピュータ支援語学教育システムに関わる業務(JAVA Scriptでのシステム構築と維持管理、教材開発)は、最初の一年は特に文学部の松田憲先生に週1回のペースで琵琶湖草津キャンパスまで来てもらい、それ以外は言語センター予算でTA雇用したプログラミングのできた学生の協力を得ながらも膨大な時間と労力を費やさざるおう得なかった。プログラムのバグの発見と解決に作業時間が伸びて帰宅時間が11時過ぎになることも時々あった。最新の英語教育とテクノロジーを組み合わせた特徴ある英語教育システム(コンピュータリテラシーの基礎教育と一般英語学習をさせるオンライン・プログラム)の提供をしたするには、その責任者として当然ではあったとも言えよう。その他にも学部執行部の役職の1つである学生主事も1年間担当したり、大学入試問題作成委員として毎週会合に出席しながら3セットの入試問題作成をしたり、当時の言語センター(現言語教育センター)の運営委員の業務も担当したりして、忙しい日々を送っていた。