Retrospective/回顧: スポーツ(ゴルフ) /Sports (Pleasure Golf)

Having been a member of tennis clubs in junior high, high school, and college, and having primarily played tennis when it came to exercise, I had never really been involved in playing golf until I was in my 40s, or rather, had little interest in the sport. During a fall inter-office tennis match, I ruptured my Achilles tendon of the left foot, had surgery, and just as I was about to begin rehabilitation to regain muscle strength by removing the cast, I had the unexpected misfortune of rupturing it again, having surgery, and recovering, twice. It took me a year before I was able to play a tennis game again, but not as well as before. In the midst of all this, I encountered golf, and instead of learning the basics at a golf school, I hit the ball at will and learned how to play golf. Next, I began to participate in several annual competitions of golf enthusiasts at my workplace. Of course, I didn’t get very good at it because I didn’t have any formal basic training, but I thought it would be nice to enjoy the natural beauty of the golf course even if I was the self-driven style of playing golf.


I have played golf in and out of the country at every opportunity, but when I stayed in the Gold Course in Australia and Vancouver, Canada for an extended period of time as a research student, I enjoyed playing golf with my then-interested partner using a golf set that I procured locally. I used a Bridgestone golf set that my now-deceased father bought for me. Even though it is quite old, I still have it in my son’s apartment while he is stationed in Florida, USA, and I use it when I visit during the holiday season. More than five years ago, I found a new, inexpensive golf set at a local Golf 5 and purchased it for domestic use, but that set has also been taken to my son’s apartment, so I regret that I can’t even go hitting the ball now.

これまで機会あるごとに内外でゴルフをしてきたが、研究留学で長期滞在したオーストラリアのゴールドコースやカナダのバンクーバーでは、現地で調達したゴルフセットを使って、当時は関心のあったパートナーと楽しんだ。今は亡き父が買ってくれたブリジストン製のゴルフセットを使用していた。かなり古くなった今でも米国フロリダに駐在中の息子のアパートに置いてもらっており、ホリデイシーズン訪問時には、使用している。もう5年以上も前になるが、格安の新しいゴルフセットを地元のGolf 5で見つけ、購入して、国内で使用していたが、そのセットも息子のアパートに持っていってしまったので、今は打ちっ放しにも行けないのが残念である。

Summer Vacation 2000: at Gold Coast Golf Club, Australia/2000年の夏休み:豪州のゴールドコースト・ゴルフクラブにて
Summer 2020: Golf in Sunrise, Florida, USA/2020年夏:米国フロリダ州サンライズでのゴルフ
