Retrospective/回顧: 立命館大学情報理工学部ので教員生活(その4)2度目の長期研究留学/Teaching &Research life at Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University (4): The second long overseas stay

When I was working with the Faculty of Economics at Ritsumeikan University, I was given a chance to be a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Language Education & Literacy, University of British Columbia in Canada for about eight months, including the summer vacation period, and in the sixth year after transferring to the Faculty of Information Science and Technology in 2010, I was able to do a year of research abroad. It was the second year after my eldest son graduated from secondary school in Canada and studied at Bond University (BU), a private school in Gold Coast, a resort city in Australia, so I could save some money by living together in the same two-bedroom apartment. Although Brisbane is about 100 km away, it only takes about 1.5 hours by train and bus to get there, and I was able to stay as a visiting researcher at the School of Education, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). I was also fortunate to have developed and managed the QUT Summer Program, one of the international exchange programs of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, and was acquainted with the people involved in the Ritsumeikan University-QUT international exchange program. I thought I would have no problem staying in Gold Coast for a long period of time, having spent 10 months at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Bond University from 1994 to 2005 when I was at Toyohashi University of Technology. However, a big problem arose one week after my arrival in Australia. My brother informed me of my mother’s sudden death. I had been living independently in distant Aichi and Shiga prefectures since I started working after completing my studies in the U.S., so I had only returned to my parent’s home once or twice a year. I immediately booked a round-trip flight and temporarily returned home for about a week, but this incident left a big mark on my later life. (More details to come later.)

立命館大学に赴任し、経済学部所属時代にカナダのブリテッシュ・コロンビア大学言語&リテラシー学部へ夏休み期間も含めると約8ヶ月間研究留学をしたが、情報理工学部に移籍してから6年目の2010年に1年間の研究留学ができた。ちょうど長男がカナダの中等学校を卒業し、豪州のリゾート都市であるゴールドコーストにある私立のボンド大学(Bond U)に進学をして、2年目だったので、同じ2LDKのアパートに住むことで、滞在費用も多少節約できるし、ブリスベンは100キロほど離れてはいるが、電車とバスで1時間半ほどで通えるし、クイーンズランド工科大学(QUT)教育学部で客員研究員として滞在できることになった。その前に情報理工学部の国際交流プログラムの1つQUT夏季プログラムを開発・担当をし、現地の国際交流プログラム関係者とも知り合いであったことも幸いした。ゴールドコーストにおける長期滞在は豊橋技術科学大学時代の1994年~05年にボンド大学人文社会学部での10ヶ月間滞在した経験もあり、問題なく過ごせると考えた。しかし、渡豪後1週間が過ぎた時に大きな問題が生じてしまった。それは母の突然の死が弟から伝えられてきたのである。米国留学を終え社会人となってからは遠方の愛知県や滋賀県で独立した生活をしてきたので、実家には1年に1~2回ほどの帰省だったので、大変驚かされた。すぐに往復の飛行機を予約し、1週間ほどの一時帰国となったが、この件が後の人生に大きな禍根を残してしまった。(詳細については、後日談とする。)

Queensland University of Technology Kelvingrove campus/クイーンズランド工科大学ケルヴィングローブ・キャンパス
The apartment I lived in Arundel/アランデルで住んでいたアパート
On the balcony of his apartmentアパートのベランダで

I commuted to Queens University of Technology (QUT) about three times a week, either by driving to the nearby Hellensbale train station and leaving it in the free parking lot or having it pick me up. I rode the train for about an hour to Roma Street Station in Brisbane, reading e-books I had previously downloaded on my iPad, and from there I took the university’s free bus to QUT’s Kelvingrove campus. I was allowed to use the cooperative PC lab in the School of Education building and did my research activities using the Mac laptop and iPad I had brought with me. I made friends with a researcher from Turkey who had been with me for the first three months and also enjoyed chatting with other full-time faculty members in a separate break room where we had unlimited coffee. On weekdays when I was not at QUT, I enjoyed a round of pleasure golf at the nearby Gold Coast Golf Club and met a Swedish photojournalist on the golf course (whose wife was a Ph.D. student at the University of Queensland (UQ) studying Australian literature). D. student of Australian literature at the University of Queensland (UQ), and we enjoyed many rounds of golf together. I met him again when I stopped by Stockholm, where he lives, on a business trip to the EuroCALL2012 international conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden, in August 2012. We took pictures together by following the parade participants, had lunch together, and walked around the city for a bit. We are still in touch with each other through Facebook.

