exjayhawk のすべての投稿

exjayhawk について

Hi, I'm Kaz, an elderly teacher in higher education, but I've still been active in my professional field (English Language Education, Educational Technology, and Intercultural Communication). こんにちは。高等教育におけるベテラン教師の一人ですが、専門分野(英語教育、教育工学、異文化コミュニケーション)でいまだ積極的に活動中です。 http://nozawaism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kaz_Self-Intro.mp3

Retrospective/回顧: 立命館大学経済学部ので教員生活(その3)カナダ研究留学/Teaching life at Faculty of Economics, Ritsumeikan University (3): Research Stay in Canada

I was a faculty member of the Economics Department from the academic year 1998 to 2003, when I had the opportunity to spend six months from September 2001 to March 2002 as a visiting scholar at the Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED) at The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I had the opportunity to stay at the Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED) at UBC. The University of British Columbia had and still has a university-wide recruitment program (Ritsumeikan-UBC Academic Immersion Program (UBC-AIP)), and not only students but also faculty members were able to participate in the exchange program. In addition, due to a concurrent appointment in the Independent Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, graduate students who belong to the English Education Program and wish to take TESOL courses in their first year can spend five weeks of their summer vacation at UBC’s Ritsumeikan House, which was built at Ritsumeikan University’s expense and has a 20-year lease agreement (now donated to UBC, with the right to use the house held by UBC). The Ritsumeikan House has one full-time resident staff member on a multi-year rotating basis and one academic advisor who is dispatched every year to take care of 100 students selected from all faculties who participated in the Ritsumeikan program for two semesters (8 months) each year.

1998年度から2003年度まで経済学部に在籍したが、2001年9月から2002年3月までの6ヶ月間(実際は8月出国したので7ヶ月間)カナダのブリテッシュ・コロンビア州バンクーバ市にあるブリテッシュ・コロンビア大学(The University of British Columbia)言語&リテラシー学部(Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED))へ客員教員として滞在する機会を得た。当時も現在も全学募集プログラム(立命館・UBCアカデミック・イマージョン・プログラム(UBC-AIP))があり、学生のみならず教員も交流プログラムに参加できた。独立大学院言語教育情報研究科にも併任した関係もあり、英語教育学プログラムに所属し、希望する院生は1年目にTESOLコースを履修するため、夏季休暇の5週間を立命館大学の費用で建設され20年間占有使用契約(現在はUBCに寄贈され使用権はUBCにあり)がキャンパス内にある立命館ハウスにUBC-AIPに参加の学部生たちと共に、滞在できた。立命館ハウスには数年交代の常駐の専任職員が1名とアカデミック・アドバイザーが1名が毎年派遣されており、毎年2学期(8ヶ月間)の立命館プログラムで参加していた全学部から選抜された100名の学生たちの面倒を見ていた。

With Dr. Ken Reeder who was the Rits-UBC Coordinator at UBC and the co-author of a research paper on culture gram with me./ UBCでのTESOLプログラム・コーデイネータでカルチャーグラムに関する共同研究論文を書いてくれたケン・リーダー教授

Since this was my first stay in Canada with a six-month overseas research program, naturally I was accompanied by my family. Although my son still did not have sufficient English skills and it was before the start of the second semester of sixth grade, attending a local elementary school would be a good opportunity for him to become bilingual and bicultural. I thought it would be a valuable experience for him in his future life. Although he started learning English in earnest after we decided to go to Canada, he only studied English for about 50 hours, so I can say that it was not enough at all. He went to a nearby public elementary school (Kerrisdale Elementary School), which was within walking distance from our rented house in Kerrisdale, and when other classmates were studying English, he went to the library and studied English as a second language with other foreign children. Fortunately, there was one Japanese student in the 6th-grade class who had been attending the school for quite a long time, so he was able to help him in any way he could. Even local children could flunk out of school and repeat the same grade, but since he was not that diligent in his studies, I was proud as a parent that he was able to successfully complete the 6th grade and smoothly move on to the 7th grade and graduate from the elementary school. Since the original plan was to have him study abroad for a long period of time until he graduated from secondary school, I believe that the mother’s unrelenting efforts to provide loving support, both physically and mentally, had a significant impact on his success, and I am very thankful for that. I am also very grateful to her.

私にとって初めてのカナダ滞在であり、半年間の海外研究研修であったがゆえ、当然ながら、家族同伴となった。まだ英語力も不十分な長男は小学6年生2学期が始まる前の時期ではあったが、現地小学校へ通学すれば、バリンガル・バイカルチュラルになる良い機会であり、私が大学卒業してからの米国留学した経験とは全く異なり、小さいうちからの留学経験は将来の彼の人生においても大きな意味を持ち、貴重な経験となると考えた。カナダ行きが決まってから英語学習を本格的にしたとはいえ、実質50時間ぐらいの英語学習だったので、全く不十分であったと言える。住んでいた場所のケレスデールから徒歩でも行ける近くの公立小学校 (Kerresdale Elementary School)に通い、他のクラスメイトが国語(英語)を勉強する時間には、図書館に行って、他の外国人児童と一緒に第二言語としての英語学習をした。幸いに同じ6年生クラスにはかなり長く通学していた日本人の児童が一人いたので、何かと助けてもらったようである。それでも英語力のさらなるブラッシュアップは不可欠で、クラスメイトが国語(英語)の授業中は、図書館に移動し、第二言語としての英語の学習を他の外国人児童と共に勉強した。現地の子供たちでさえ落第し、同じ学年を繰り返すこともありうるのだが、それほど勉学に熱心ではなかったので、無事6年生を終え、7年生にもスムーズに進め、卒業できたことは親として誇りに思った。バンクーバーに行く前の妻との話し合いから、母子留学のスタイルとなるが、セカンダリー・スクール卒業まで長期留学をしてもらう計画であったため、それほど英語ができたわけでもない、母親の弛まぬ努力による心身両面の愛情あるサポートが大きく影響したものと思うし、とても感謝している。

Retrospective/回顧: 立命館大学経済学部ので教員生活(その2)/Teaching life at Faculty of Economics, Ritsumeikan University (2)

I belonged to the Faculty of Economics for only six years, from 1998 to 2003. My private laboratory was located on the fourth floor of the ACROSS WING, and unfortunately, it was an inward-facing laboratory with no view of the outside. The only good thing was that the building was newly constructed at the time of my job start, so I can say that the laboratory was more spacious and comfortable than ever. We were able to set up two sets of six rows of four bookshelves, filled with a huge number of professional books and texts in Japanese and Western languages that I had brought from my previous university, paper-based research materials in several cabinets, Apple computer desktop, and Windows PC desktop and laptops, and related equipment. I had more paper research and teaching materials in several cabinets, an Apple computer and a Windows PC desktop, and Apple and Windows laptops, and related educational technology pieces of equipment than anyone else, so I spent my time in an environment that was not exactly neat and tidy. The servers (Windows 2000 server at first, then Windows 2003 server) for providing online programs for English education were installed in the multimedia materials development room (on the first floor of the Across Wing), which was a shared space. I was able to use a CALL staff special budget of the Language Center at the time to hire a student assistant (SA) specializing in information technology to help me. This SA helped me build and troubleshoot the website, which was then programmed in JavaScript. Sometimes, the programmatic problems were not resolved immediately, and I often returned home after 10:00 p.m.

経済学部所属は1998年度から2003年度までの6年間だけであったが、個人研究室はアクロスウイング(ACROSS WING)の4階に位置し、残念ながら外の景色は見えない内向きの研究室であった。唯一良かったのは、赴任当時に新規に建設された建物だったので、研究室の広さはこれまで以上で快適な広さだったと言えよう。本棚も6段4列を2セット設置でき、前任校から持ってきた膨大な数の専門書やテキストの和洋書などで埋まり、紙媒体の研究用あるいは教育用の資料はいくつかのキャビネットに収納し、アップル・コンピュータとウインドウズPC㋨デスクトップやラップトップ、さらに関連機器も人一倍あって、決して整理整頓されていたとは言えないまでも、まあまあこぎれい研究環境の中で過ごした。英語教育用のオンライン・プログラムを提供するためのサーバ(最初はWindows 2000 server、その後はWindows 2003 server)は、共有スペースのマルチメデイア教材開発室(アクロスウイング1階)に設置されていたため、当時の言語センターのCALLスタッフ特別予算で採用した情報工学が専門の学生補助員(Student Assistant)がジャバ・スクリプトでプログラムされたウエブサイトの構築とトラブル・シューテイングを担当してくれ、一緒に、授業終了後の4時半から週2~3日に作業をした。プログラム上の問題がすぐに解決しなかったことも時々あり、帰宅時間が夜10時過ぎになったことも度々あった。

A CALL class scene at a computer Lab/子ピュータ・ラボでのCALLクラスの風景

Retrospective/回顧: 立命館大学経済学部ので教員生活(その1)/Teaching life at Faculty of Economics, Ritsumeikan University (1)

As a new professor in charge of English education, I officially joined the Faculty of Economics at Ritsumeikan University in April 1998, where he remained until the end of the 2003 academic year when I moved to the newly established Faculty of Information Science and Engineering on the same campus in 2004. The work related to the new computer-assisted language education system for first and second-year students of both the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Business Administration (construction and maintenance of the system using JAVA Script, and development of teaching materials) was performed while getting help by Prof. Ken Matsuda of the Faculty of Letters, who came to the Biwako-Kusatsu Campus once a week for the first year, and by a TA hired by the Language Center. The rest of the time and effort was spent with the help of the TA student who was proficient in programming. Sometimes, however, it took so long to find and solve bugs in the program that I had to go home after 11:00 p.m. This was not surprising, as I was responsible for providing such a unique online English language education system that combined the latest in English language instruction and technology (an online program that provided basic computer literacy and general English language learning). I was also in charge of the student affairs office, one of the executive committees of the department, for a year, and also attended weekly meetings as a member of the university entrance examination committee, making three sets of different entrance exam questions, and serving as a member of the steering committee of the Language Center (now the Language Education Center) at the time.

1998年4月から正式に立命館大学経済学部に加わった英語教育担当の新任教授の一人として所属し、同キャンパスに2004年4月に新設された情報理工学部へ移動するまで在籍した。経済学部と経営学部所属の学部1~2年生対象の新コンピュータ支援語学教育システムに関わる業務(JAVA Scriptでのシステム構築と維持管理、教材開発)は、最初の一年は特に文学部の松田憲先生に週1回のペースで琵琶湖草津キャンパスまで来てもらい、それ以外は言語センター予算でTA雇用したプログラミングのできた学生の協力を得ながらも膨大な時間と労力を費やさざるおう得なかった。プログラムのバグの発見と解決に作業時間が伸びて帰宅時間が11時過ぎになることも時々あった。最新の英語教育とテクノロジーを組み合わせた特徴ある英語教育システム(コンピュータリテラシーの基礎教育と一般英語学習をさせるオンライン・プログラム)の提供をしたするには、その責任者として当然ではあったとも言えよう。その他にも学部執行部の役職の1つである学生主事も1年間担当したり、大学入試問題作成委員として毎週会合に出席しながら3セットの入試問題作成をしたり、当時の言語センター(現言語教育センター)の運営委員の業務も担当したりして、忙しい日々を送っていた。

2002 CALL System Top Page/2002年度のコンピュータ支援語学学習システムのトップ画面

Retrospective/回顧: 3回目の転職(立命館大学へ)/My third Job Change to Ritsumeikan University

In March 1997, I gave two presentations at the TESOL ’97 International Convention and Exhibition held in Orlando, Florida, USA, with travel support from the NTT Foundation, one of which was a seminar-style presentation with several research colleagues I had met through the past conferences. The first two people I met there were Prof. Ken Matsuda and Dr. Yoshimasa Tsukuma (then professors at the Faculty of Letters, Ritsumeikan University, and now professor emeritus), who were conducting cutting-edge research on computer-assisted language learning. Just as the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University were about to move from the Kinugasa Campus in Kyoto City to the Biwako-Kusatsu Campus in Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture in 1998, I was informed that they were looking for a faculty member who had been conducting research and practice of computer-assisted learning. Perhaps with some advice from Professor Mikihiko Sugimori (then Professor at the Faculty of Policy Science, now Professor Emeritus), with whom I had been in contact through academic activities, Prof. Ken Matsuda and Prof. Mikihiko Sugimori visited me at the Language Center of Toyohashi University of Technology and asked me to apply for the open faculty position. Having struggled alone at a national technological university, it was a good opportunity I could not have wished for, to move to one of the famous private universities in the Kansai region, where I would be treated well in a new environment. I was invited to give a lecture once in order to have my character evaluated, and then I was interviewed. As a result, I was hired as a professor by Ritsumeikan University and started a new professional career in April 1998.


Retrospective/回顧: 豊橋技術科学大学語学センターでの仕事/Job at Language Center of Toyohashi University of Technology

I resigned from the teaching staff of Kawaijuku Gakuen Nagoya College of Foreign Languages (now Trident College of Foreign Languages, Hotel, and Bridal) at the end of November 1981, and was hired as an assistant of Humanities and Social Engineering as of December 1, 1981. Although it was difficult for me to be promoted to a new position at a national university without an opening post, I was finally promoted to a full-time lecturer position in May 1985. Thanks to the help of my senior professors, I was promoted to associate professor four years later, and I worked there until the end of March 1998, while also belonging to the Language Center. At the Language Center, I played a central role in the establishment of the new Language Laboratory and the installation of PC systems for self-study. I was fascinated by Apple computers and the software they provided for language teaching, so I was basically responsible for managing the new language laboratory, which had 60 state-of-the-art Macintosh computers controlled by a language laboratory management system provided by Sony at the time. I was basically in charge of the system maintenance, and since there was not much given as the annual budget for maintenance and management, I did most of the work of upgrading the OS version, etc. for each computer by myself. Naturally, I spent a lot of time staying at the university and worked a lot of overtime because of the enormous amount of work I had to do outside of my teaching responsibilities. Looking back, I can say that it was a time when I was young, had gained practical research experience using the latest computers, and was passionate about language teaching and computer technology, so my energetic days were tireless. The self-study system on the first floor of the Language Center also provided students with a combination of Apple and Windows computers to help them learn.


Retrospective/回顧: スポーツ(ゴルフ) /Sports (Pleasure Golf)

Having been a member of tennis clubs in junior high, high school, and college, and having primarily played tennis when it came to exercise, I had never really been involved in playing golf until I was in my 40s, or rather, had little interest in the sport. During a fall inter-office tennis match, I ruptured my Achilles tendon of the left foot, had surgery, and just as I was about to begin rehabilitation to regain muscle strength by removing the cast, I had the unexpected misfortune of rupturing it again, having surgery, and recovering, twice. It took me a year before I was able to play a tennis game again, but not as well as before. In the midst of all this, I encountered golf, and instead of learning the basics at a golf school, I hit the ball at will and learned how to play golf. Next, I began to participate in several annual competitions of golf enthusiasts at my workplace. Of course, I didn’t get very good at it because I didn’t have any formal basic training, but I thought it would be nice to enjoy the natural beauty of the golf course even if I was the self-driven style of playing golf.


I have played golf in and out of the country at every opportunity, but when I stayed in the Gold Course in Australia and Vancouver, Canada for an extended period of time as a research student, I enjoyed playing golf with my then-interested partner using a golf set that I procured locally. I used a Bridgestone golf set that my now-deceased father bought for me. Even though it is quite old, I still have it in my son’s apartment while he is stationed in Florida, USA, and I use it when I visit during the holiday season. More than five years ago, I found a new, inexpensive golf set at a local Golf 5 and purchased it for domestic use, but that set has also been taken to my son’s apartment, so I regret that I can’t even go hitting the ball now.

これまで機会あるごとに内外でゴルフをしてきたが、研究留学で長期滞在したオーストラリアのゴールドコースやカナダのバンクーバーでは、現地で調達したゴルフセットを使って、当時は関心のあったパートナーと楽しんだ。今は亡き父が買ってくれたブリジストン製のゴルフセットを使用していた。かなり古くなった今でも米国フロリダに駐在中の息子のアパートに置いてもらっており、ホリデイシーズン訪問時には、使用している。もう5年以上も前になるが、格安の新しいゴルフセットを地元のGolf 5で見つけ、購入して、国内で使用していたが、そのセットも息子のアパートに持っていってしまったので、今は打ちっ放しにも行けないのが残念である。

Summer Vacation 2000: at Gold Coast Golf Club, Australia/2000年の夏休み:豪州のゴールドコースト・ゴルフクラブにて
Summer 2020: Golf in Sunrise, Florida, USA/2020年夏:米国フロリダ州サンライズでのゴルフ

Retrospective/回顧: スポーツ(アキレ断裂)/Sports(Achilles Tendon Rupture)

When I was a faculty member at the Toyohashi University of Technology, I played a second match after playing my first match and then judging the next match at a tennis workplace match on a November weekend when it was getting quite cold, but I tore the Achilles tendon in my left foot, perhaps because my body was cold and my preparation was insufficient, or perhaps because the load on my foot was too great from past years of intense exercise. Perhaps it was because I was cold and did not do enough preparation, or perhaps it was the heavy load on my leg from years of strenuous exercise, but I ruptured the Achilles tendon in my left foot. Fortunately, one of my tennis friends was a registered nurse, so she immediately called an ambulance and I was rushed to Toyohashi Municipal Hospital, which had good surgeons at the time, and was immediately hospitalized. A few days later, I was hospitalized after having the first surgical operation in my life. Despite having a normal appetite, the hospital food was so bad that I got tired of it after a few days. I satisfied my appetite by having my wife eat instead and eating lunch boxes that she bought for me. In addition, although Toyohashi Municipal Hospital was newly reconstructed after that, I was discharged from the hospital after a week of stay and decided to recover at home because his hospital room at that time was shared with a paralyzed in-patient who was paralyzed in a car and a motorcycle accident. Naturally, I could not walk around freely for about five weeks, and it was inconvenient to use crutches for everything I did. So I asked my wife to drive me to and from classes, and I spent most of my time at home except for going to my classes.


Achilles tendon rupture

Retrospective/回顧: スポーツ(テニス)/Sports (Tennis)

I started playing soft tennis at Yokokawa Junior High School, switched to hard tennis at Utsunomiya Higashi High School, and was able to participate in the Inter-High School Tournament held in Gunma Prefecture as a representative of the Tochigi Prefecture in my junior year of high school, and has good memories of winning the first round match against the Kumamoto Prefecture representative team. After entering the Faculty of Education at Utsunomiya University, I continued to play tennis as a club member, and although I was about the third-best doubles player, I was able to play well in the North Kanto Five Universities’ League (a league of Utsunomiya University, Ibaraki University, Saitama University, Gunma University, Takasaki University of Economics, etc.) to some extent. Since the tie-breaker style was not used in those days, I sometimes experienced double matches that lasted more than three hours. I remember the one-week summer camp at Lake Yamanaka, where the main purpose was to train the freshmen members, as a good memory, even though it was painful. I think we played well in the prefectural and city tennis tournaments.


While studying at the University of Kansas Graduate School in the U.S., I was so busy with my studies and occasionally played tennis with friends on the university’s tennis court (made of concrete). Two months after returning to Japan, I moved to Nagoya, where I had never lived before, and began teaching English at the Nagoya College of Foreign Languages (now the Nagoya College of Foreign Languages, Hotel, and Bridal), which was owned by Kawaijuku Gakuen. I played tennis at a certain tennis club in Nagakute where the school was a member. I won a few singles tennis tournaments at this tennis club, and I still have a trophy commemorating my victory.


After working at the Nagoya College of Foreign Languages for just over three years from August 1978 to November 1981, I moved to the Toyohashi University of Technology as an assistant in December 1981 and then joined the faculty tennis club at the university until he left Toyohashi, Aichi in March 1998. I enjoyed participating in Toyohashi City tennis tournaments and inter-office tennis tournaments. However, I was so busy with work that I could only play one or two days a week, and perhaps because of my lack of practice, I could only win up to about the 16th best in the city tennis tournaments. The top prize winners were, of course, tennis club coaches and active student players.


同僚だった沢田先生と参加した豊橋市テニス大会でのダブルス戦/A doubles match scene at the Toyohashi City Tennis Tournament that I participated in with my colleague, Dr. Sawada.
豊橋技術科学大学と愛知大学の職場対抗戦終了後の集合写真/Group photo after the workplace competition between Toyohashi University of Technology and Aichi University

Retrospective/回顧: 初めての台湾観光旅行/The first Sightseeing Trip to Taiwan

In mid-November 1989, my late father and his business associates made a friendship trip to Taiwan. I thought it would be a great opportunity to enjoy delicious Taiwanese food, teach cross-cultural communication, and learn about the different cultures of Taiwan, so I gladly participated in the trip. At the time, I was teaching at the Toyohashi University of Technology, and since it was the third semester of the school year and I had a small number of classes to teach, I was able to cover my schedule by canceling some of them and making them up at a later date, so I happily participated.


The itinerary consisted of taking the Shinkansen bullet train from Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, where I lived, to Tokyo, then taking a bus to Narita International Airport, where we were to meet, and then flying out as scheduled. After arriving at the Taipei International Airport, we checked into our hotel (Holiday Garden Hotel, I think?) and immediately enjoyed delicious Taiwanese cuisine, including small basket lunches, together with the other participants. The next day, we visited the main tourist attractions in the city (National Palace Museum, Memorial Hall of the Emperor, Chungshan Shrine, and Lungshan Temple) and learned about Taiwan’s history. At the huge 70-meter-high Memorial Hall in the Memorial Park, which was created to honor the achievements of Chiang Kai-shek, the first president of the Republic of China, we were able to see the changing of the guard ceremony, which is held every hour.

旅程は、住んでいた愛知県豊橋市から新幹線で東京へ向かい、バスで集合場所の成田国際空港へ行き、予定通りに飛び立ち、台北国際空港に到着後、正確なホテル名(Holiday Garden Hotelだったろうか?)は忘れてしまったが、宿泊ホテルにチェックイン後、早速小籠包等に代表される美味しい台湾料理を参加者たちと一緒に堪能した。翌日は市内の著名な主たる観光スポット(国立故宮博物院、中正紀念堂、忠烈祠、龍山寺)を訪問し、台湾の歴史を学べた。中華民国の初代総統「蒋介石」の功績をたたえるために創られた記念公園にある高さ70メートルの巨大な中正紀念堂では、1時間毎に行われる衛兵交代式も少し見ることができた。

The next day, we flew to Kaohsiung and went on a city tour, including a 300-year-old Taoist temple, the Sanfeng Temple, and the Confucius Temple, which enshrines Confucius, the founder of Confucianism. After that, we checked into our hotel (I don’t remember the name, but it was a 5-star hotel). I think we had dinner at the hotel restaurant. Unfortunately, I did not go to “Liouhe Night Market,” the best night market in Kaohsiung.


The next day, we flew to Hualien (Hualien), located in eastern Taiwan and blessed with abundant nature, and enjoyed the dynamic and beautiful scenery of a series of 3,000-meter-high mountains in a gorge on the outskirts of Hualien, which is known as one of the most scenic spots in Taiwan. The tour included a visit to Changchunsa, where visitors could view the Ligu Creek flowing down the mountainside, and Yanzikou, with its many potholes (round holes in the rock). After that, they visited the Hualien Ami Cultural Village, where there is a theater that introduces the life customs and ceremonies of the Ami people, an aboriginal tribe in eastern Taiwan known for their dances and songs. The audience enjoyed an hour-long show of bamboo dances, fertility dances, and wedding dances to rhythmic music.


Retrospective/回顧: TESOL夏季インステイチュート(ハワイ大学)への参加/TESOL Summer Institute at the University of Hawaii

In July 1986, I attended the TESOL Summer Institute at the East-West Center (the University of Hawaii Manoa Campus) for the first time. I had never been to Hawaii since my undergraduate days when I stayed for a month to study English in Hawaii sponsored by Nihon Ryoko, a travel agent, and also stayed for a few days to reunite with my father who was on a group tour to Hawai when I was in a semester break while studying in a postgraduate program at the University of Kansas. The reason why I attended such a Summer Institute was that there were prominent scholars in the field of TESOL education and research and I thought it worthwhile for my own research in the field. I attended it at my own expense, accompanied by my partner and her younger sister, staying at a hotel in Waikiki. It was a meaningful training program with much to learn.



I also enjoyed sightseeing by visiting many places of interest on Oahu Island.


A rent-a-car I drove around / あちこちドライブしたレンタカー