exjayhawk のすべての投稿

exjayhawk について

Hi, I'm Kaz, an elderly teacher in higher education, but I've still been active in my professional field (English Language Education, Educational Technology, and Intercultural Communication). こんにちは。高等教育におけるベテラン教師の一人ですが、専門分野(英語教育、教育工学、異文化コミュニケーション)でいまだ積極的に活動中です。 http://nozawaism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kaz_Self-Intro.mp3

Retrospective/回顧: After Graduating from Utsunomiya University/ 宇都宮大学卒業後

After coming back from my Hawaii trip, I consulted my study abroad plan with my parents. My mom recommended becoming a civil servant as a school teacher while my dad might think that I was a successor of his family business. However, both understood my plan, agreed to support me financially and cheered me up. I thought I could also advance to graduate school in Japan. As a result, I didn’t try to take the teacher recruitment exam. I had to prepare and prove my language skills in two foreign languages (English and French or German) for the entrance exam for most of the graduate schools in Japan. Since my second foreign language (French) skill was a minimum level and far from the satisfactory level to pass any graduate school entrance exam, I decided to apply for American University postgraduate programs by focusing on improving my English skills instead of trying to enter a Japanese university graduate school. I started to collect the necessary information to get admission to American graduate schools. My English proficiency level was then not good enough. I have never taken TOEFL. To tell you the truth, my first TOEFL score was only 430 at that time. Very low, wasn’t it? To get admission to any postgraduate program of universities in the US, I needed to get more than 550 in TOEFL score, so I needed to brush up my English a lot quickly not to waste the time. So I searched for an intensive English program in Tokyo and studied English intensively using the so-called “Michigan Method” for three months while staying in a small apartment where my younger brother was also staying there while commuting to a private high school. I thought it was not a good idea to continue studying in Japan so I decided to go to an ELS Language Center in California where I could get a student visa rather easily. While waiting for the visa, I saved a certain amount of money by doing various kinds of part-time work after returning to my home in Utsunomiya. Late in September 1994, I moved to California to study English intensively for three months from October to December at ELC Language Center attached to then St. Marys’ College in Oakland.

ハワイ短期研修を終えて帰国した後、米国大学院留学をしたくなり、両親に相談した。卒業後は教員として地方公務員になってほしいと願っていた母親に対して、ファミリービジネスをしていた父親は、長男の小生を後継者として見ていたかもしれなかったが、留学の意義を理解してくれ、「私費留学のための資金は何とかなるので、頑張りなさい」と言ってくれた。その結果、教員採用試験も一般会社への就職試験も日本の大学院(当時は2つの外国語受験が課されていたので、断念した。)も受験せず、英語力させクリアすれば、米国留学は可能であると考え、留学地域や授業料、受験資格などの諸条件を考慮しながら願書を取り寄せ、留学準備に取り組んだ。しかし、その障壁となったのが、やはり必須の英語力の証明である。知識とスキルのバランスの取れた英語教師になるには、応用言語学や言語学を学び、TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)を専攻しようとすると、TOEFL 550/990点以上は必要であった。一度もTOEFLなど受験したことがなかったので、その当時の英語力は正確には覚えていないが、不十分であったことは理解していた。直接米国で英語集中学習をする方法も模索していたし、できるだけアルバイトもして留学資金をためようと考え、行動していた。しかし、米国の大学院へ留学するには、インターネットの無い時代だったため、自分の情報集能力だけでは十分ではなく、米国の大学院情報を得るため、東京にある米国大使館図書館へ行ったり、留学相談をしてくれる民間の留学センターに相談したりした。1年後の留学実現のため、大学卒業後、東京でミシガン・メソッドによる英語集中講座3ケ月コースをとることにした。ちょうど実弟が東京の私立高校に入学し、アパートに一人住まいをしていたので、同じアパートの一室を借りて通学することにした。その一方で、授業料も安めで、話されている英語も標準語に近いものと考えられた中西部の大学5つに留学先を絞り、入学願書を取り寄せ、応募した。しかし、当時の小生の英語力は初めてのTOEFL受験結果で430点/990点満点というレベルであった。このレベルでは大学に条件付きで入学できたとしても、大学院入学は到底無理で、ましては授業についていけるはずはないと思われた。最低TOEFL 550点以上を取らねば、入学許可は出ないと思っていたし、このまま日本にいて英語の勉強を続けても、英語力はそれほど向上しないだろうと思った。そんな状況の中でどう打開すべきかを考え、当時のベストの方法だったのが、月ごとに入学でき、一日5時間週5日で1ケ月ごとにレベルを変更できる英語集中研修コースを提供していたELS Language Centerであったので、すぐに願書を入手し、応募した。米国での学生ビザを入手するにも容易であったことも大きく影響した。実際、9月下旬に渡米し、10月からカリフォルニア州オークランド市にあるSaint Mary’s CollegeのELS Language Center(現在は存在しない)で英語集中研修を始め、3ケ月間集中して学習した。

Retrospective/回顧: University Age/大学時代

I tried to enter the English Language and Literature Department at a famous private university (Rikkyo University) in Tokyo but I could not get the admission partially because admission was tough (18 times of enrollment capacity). I was preparing for getting admission to a national university, so I had some disadvantages to take the entrance exams of the university but I knew that was not a good excuse. Then I tried to take the entrance exams for two national universities but again I was not good enough to pass the first one (Niigata University) but managed to be accepted by the second one (Utsunomiya University) as the fourth choice of the major (physical education). Since I did not want to study again at a prep school for the following year’s entrance exam, I entered Utsunomiya University without any hesitation. I enjoyed taking the required courses for the PE major, but gradually I started to worry about my future life. I could be a primary school teacher or a PE teacher in secondary school, but I still wanted to study English more and become an English as a Foreign Language teacher. While I belonged to a tennis club and enjoyed university team competitions as a 1st team member but I wanted to improve my English so I joined the ESS (English Speaking Society) club not to improve my speaking skills in English but to study mostly theoretical linguistics. It was so hard to study Linguistics theories but I had a good time with those senior students who were majoring in English and Literature. I thought I could transfer to the English major when I became a third-year student but it was not possible without having the vacancy of the enrolled students in the English Department. As a result, I transferred to Pedagogy and Psychology major from the PE major. Although I enjoyed studying different kinds of subjects, especially social psychology, I still wanted to become an English teacher. The first step to actualize my dream to be an English teacher was to brush up on my English skills more and I participated in a Nihon Travel Co.’s Summer Intensive English Program at UH Manoa Campus in Hawaii for 4 weeks while staying in an apartment hotel sharing with four other university students downtown Honolulu. When I met a Japanese student who was studying as an undergraduate student at UH, I became more interested in studying for a postgraduate program in the US more and more. So I started to prepare for it after returning to Japan.

At the Coming-of-Aage Ceremony/成人式にて
My first trip to Hawaii to study English/大学3回生の夏にハワイで英語学習をした時の写真

大学入試ではまず東京の有名私立大学(立教大)の文学部英文学科を受験した。国立受験型で勉強をしていたので、私学型に特化した受験生たちと戦うにはかなり無理な試みだったと思う。定員の18倍の受験生と競争するには、特化した受験準備が必要であり、当然のことながら不合格という結果であった。国立大受験は当時一期校と二期校の2つの受験が可能だったので、新潟大学教育学部と宇都宮大学教育学部を受験した。新潟大学は不合格、宇都宮大学が第4志望枠(体育専攻)で合格という結果であった。親への負担も考え、浪人はしたくなかったし、第一希望ではなかったが、合格した国立大学に入学し、体育教師になるために必要な科目を履修した。しかし、次第に小学校教員か中学校の体育教師で終わる人生よりは、好きな英語をもっと勉強して英語教師になりたいという思いが強くなっていった。スポーツ好きではあったので、それまで続けていたテニスをするため、テニスクラブに入部し、ほぼ毎日練習に明け暮れ、大学対抗戦など大いに楽しんだが、英語スピーキングクラブにも入部し、 スピーキング部門ではなく、留学計画もあり、英語言語学を学ぶ部門で英語が専門の諸先輩たちと言語学理論を勉強したが、とても難しかった。今思えば、どれほど理解していたか不明である。2/5以上の優の単位を取得していたので、うまくいけば学部3年時に転科ができるものと思っていたが、英語科だけは欠員ができないと認められていなく、断念せざるを得なかった。その結果、教育学と心理学を主として勉強できた教育学科に転科することができた。しかし、英語教師になる夢を実現するため、自分自身の英語力を向上させる必要があったので、最初のステップは、日本旅行が主催し、ハワイ大学マノア校で夏休み中に開催された英語4週間集中講座への参加であった。他大学の4名の学生たちと一緒にホノルル市街にあったアパートメントホテルに滞在して交流を楽しんだ。ハワイ大学で知り合った日本人の某留学生との話を聞く機会があり、「私にもできるかも」と思った。当時は英語と2つ目の外国語(ドイツ語やフランス語)の入学試験があった日本の大学院へ進学するより、英語能力試験でレベルに到達できれば、米国留学を実現でき、英語教師の道を開いていけるかもと、ハワイから帰国後、その準備に取り掛かったのである。

Retrospective/回顧: Senior High School Age/高校時代

I went to Utsunomiya Higashi High School, a newly established five-year old prefectural school located in the southeastern part of Utsunomiya City (at that time, it was a boys’ school with a regular course of study), and commuted to school by bicycle every day. Many of the teachers were graduates of famous universities such as the University of Tokyo and Tokyo University of Education (now the University of Tsukuba), perhaps because it was a newly established school. Although I was in the liberal arts college preparatory course, I remember that I enjoyed the physics classes taught by Mr. Yatabe. I was not very good at math and science (especially physics and chemistry) and managed to get through tests, but I liked and was good at humanities subjects (English, world history, etc.). However, since I started playing tennis in junior high school and continued to belong to the tennis club and play every day, I reviewed intensively before exams and took tests, so my ranking in the grade tests, in which there were about 300 students per grade, was in the 50s at the best of times and in the 130s at the worst of times. At first, I played soft tennis in the club, but my physical education teacher and coach recommended that I switch to hard tennis in my sophomore year. As a result, in my junior year, I won the prefectural qualifying round of the High School Athletic Meet and was able to participate in the National High School Athletic Meet held in Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, as a representative of the prefecture.

When I played tennis every day with a wooden racket/木製のラケットが主流だったが、毎日テニスをしていた頃


Retrospective/回顧: Junior High School Age/中学校時代

I attended Yokokawa Junior High School, a public school located about 10 minutes east of my house by bicycle. 40 students per class, three classes per grade, and my grades in English and social studies were particularly high. For extracurricular activities, I was active in the soft tennis club. I don’t remember much about my doubles partner, but I think I did reasonably well in inter-school and individual matches, including the city soft tennis tournament. I think I did reasonably well in school tests and was always in the top five in my grade. If I had been more diligent and focused only on academics, I think I could have gone on to a better high school, but I did not, and I have no regrets about that. However, one of the biggest influences on my later life choices was an English teacher, a young woman who had studied abroad and had excellent pronunciation and speaking ability. She made me think, “I want to be an English teacher like that in the future.


Retrospective/回顧: Primary School Age/小学校時代

I went to a public primary school called Yokokawa Chuo Shogakko that was located in the neighborhood. It took only five minutes on foot from my home. My favorite subjects were social science and physical education. I had a good time playing with a town’s baseball team and my position was a catcher who was the team leader. Since I was fast in short-distance runs, I won first place at various athletic meets and was chosen as a relay team member for local track and field events. I also enjoyed learning the basic subjects at a juku (cram school) in the center of the city once or twice a week. I tried to get admission by taking the entrance exam for the limited acceptance at a national university attached junior high school, but I failed, unfortunately. It was a good experience for me. Maybe my ability was not good enough at that time. As a result, I advanced to a public junior school in the neighborhood.

My father was trained as a pilot during WWII but he could not actually go to battlefields and WWI ended. However, he could not forget his flying experiences and became a member of pilot trainers with his friends for a national university glider club and trained college students. I had many chances to fly a glider with my dad and sometimes participated in training camps at a special Kinugawa River runway in Ujiie, Tochigi Prefecture, or Mt. Tsukuba area roads in Ibaraki Prefecture. Sometimes I also went to see air shows and aircraft displays that were held locally with my dad.

When I went to an aircraft show /航空ショーに行った時



Retrospective/回顧: Childhood/幼少期

I was born and grew up as the first son in the suburban area of Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, in Japan. I have a 4 year younger brother, Hisahiro, and 7 year younger sister, Yoko. My father, Tomonori, started his own electric store biz and then changed to a retail store owner of industrial supplies. My mother, Aiko, was helping my dad but was basically a housekeeper. Since there were no kindies around there, I just enjoyed playing around in the countryside neighborhood. For example, I visited a nearby mom-and-pop candy store and bought and tasted a variety of candies. Also, there was an elementary school named Yokokawa Chuo Shogakko, in a few minutes and I enjoyed playing with a playset or catching tadpoles in the paddy fields and crucian carp or crayfish in the nearby river. In addition, I often visited my grandmother’s home which was located 10 km away from my home on foot, and explored interesting places like remains of air raid shelters with local kids. When I became hungry, I got a big and yummy miso rice ball. Since I was a good and honest kid, I was treated well by my uncles, aunts, grandma, and relatives.

When I was four / 4歳の時


With my younger brother at Lake Chuzenji in Nikko/日光の中禅寺湖で弟と